On Saturday, Jon Stewart held The Rally to Restore Sanity in that mecca of reason, Washington, D.C. Well, consider sanity restored: This is in no way indicative of the education, perception, intelligence, brainpower, reasoning, judgment, comprehension, acumen, wit, insight, discernment, […]
Jon Stewart’s comedic impulse is so sophisticated that to fully appreciate it requires a superior intellect. And cases of vodka. But consider this minor example of supreme genius brought to you by his Rally to Restore Sanity. At said rally, […]
Katie Couric, according to the fawning Howard Kurtz, is feeling liberated. That’s good, what with all the oppression generally suffered by talking heads who make $15 million a year. Imagine the brutality of an existence where one—by reading words into a […]
Add to the suddenly, so terribly in vogue and seemingly never-ending succession of rallies in Washington, D.C., probably the most pretentious ever conceived: the Government Doesn’t Suck rally. Seriously. Mark your calendars: October 30, 2010. If you attend only one […]