On Saturday, Jon Stewart held The Rally to Restore Sanity in that mecca of reason, Washington, D.C.
Well, consider sanity restored:
This is in no way indicative of the education, perception, intelligence, brainpower, reasoning, judgment, comprehension, acumen, wit, insight, discernment, astuteness, intellect, acuity, awareness, cognition or walking-while-chewing-kool-aid-at-the-same-time ability of these concerned rally-goers, who are simply channeling their inner Susan Powter.
So just shut up, all y’all.
The shrill Mensa member with the ‘Vote Sanity’ bicep iron-on said it best:
I-I-I’ll tell you what, hopefully on November the people are going to know that most Americans are not stupid and don’t buy this.
Maximum Leader Obama is a awesome president. And He is most definitely not from Keynesia.
(Okay, sure, He subscribes—at least partially, as a means to an end—to the economic theory of John Maynard Kenya; but—and this is the important part—He was born legally in Hawaii which is a state of the United States. Ipso facto, your point is moot.)

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