In response to the Las Vegas massacre, Chillary Rodham Clinton, former First Harpy, vicarious victim of Vladmir Putin, and unrepentant demagogue, displaying the uncommon valor necessary to co-opt a communal tragedy and make it about herself, had this to tweet:...
Greetings fellow citizens, undocumented workers, and dentists. Today is a momentous day. There’s never been a November 8, 2016 before and there will likely never be one again. So it is fitting on this uniquely unique day that we should...
Congratulations, political and media accomplices, you’ve finally done it. You’ve broken the American people; and, not coincidentally, during the era of When Clowns Roamed the Earth. Decades upon decades of entrenchment by the parties and their self-serving apparatchiks who lead...
Hillary Rodham Clinton barely escaped New York with her life on Thursday. Visiting the city to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11 and proclaim, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”, the Democratic presidential nominee and email emancipator suffered,...