This is a public service announcement for Joe “BFD” Biden fans everywhere. Yes, both of you. On Thursday, according to his office, the adroit vice president will be attending campaign events in the local Connecticut/Massachusetts easement and state of the […]
As the Bard once wrote, Biden is the soul of wit. Or maybe that was brevity. No matter; the two are essentially synonymous. Recently, Vice President Joe “BFD” Biden has been touring the Middle Credit Realm, making public appearances. Obviously, […]
Lord Obama enthralled attendees during His appearance yesterday at George Washington University with an oration expounding on His deficit and debt reduction plan. It was official because He was flanked by dimly lit American flags and broadcast on the cable network […]
This is two-fisted, bare-chested spending reform in action. This is trimming the budget with a flaming stump grinder. This is eviscerating the slobbering federal hydra with gleaming steel. In 3-D. Abdicating their responsibility to pass a budget in September, craven […]