In other Earth news, the President of the United States of America delivered a masterful oration tonight entitled I, Barack. The speech, given in place of the traditional State of the Union address, was completed despite the planet rolling into an unexpected wrinkle...
In an appropriately fitting act of naked obeisance, the Nobel Peace Prize committee has awarded its highly coveted piece of prize to the reigning King of the Universe: Barack Hussein Obama, Esq. His Majesty was said to be ‘deeply humbled’...
David Rodham Gerghan on Andersen Cooper: Truman came out of the Pendergast Machine. Obama seems to have come out of this with a lot of innocence. The Messiah is sweetness and light; daffodils and sunshine; healing and resurrection. So ignore the...
No more politics as usual, America. You boldly voted for change and Lord Obama is ready to deliver it to all of you hope-starved teeming masses aching to touch the hem of His garment. In implementing his revolutionary strategy of Change™,...