The nice petting gent of the excited states, Joe ‘BFD’ Biden, took some time out from his riveting appearance in front of a circus tent in Pennsylvania to vent some righteous indignation in Donald Trump’s general direction. Even though, Joe...
This is a public service announcement for Joe “BFD” Biden fans everywhere. Yes, both of you. On Thursday, according to his office, the adroit vice president will be attending campaign events in the local Connecticut/Massachusetts easement and state of the...
As the Bard once wrote, Biden is the soul of wit. Or maybe that was brevity. No matter; the two are essentially synonymous. Recently, Vice President Joe “BFD” Biden has been touring the Middle Credit Realm, making public appearances. Obviously,...
On Saturday, Jon Stewart held The Rally to Restore Sanity in that mecca of reason, Washington, D.C. Well, consider sanity restored: This is in no way indicative of the education, perception, intelligence, brainpower, reasoning, judgment, comprehension, acumen, wit, insight, discernment,...