Fresh joy via Drudge: Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the United States House of Representatives requests the pleasure of your company at a reception honoring the Accomplishments of the 111th Congress on Wednesday, the tenth day of November, two thousand ten […]
Graydon Carter, eminent erudite editor of Vanity Fair, has some advice for pubescent Americans and our electoral shenanigans in his latest piece entitled “Man Up, America!” Read his penetrating analysis here. Or don’t. You will have learned as much either […]
In a stunning upset, Barney Frank won his Massachusetts seat for the 113th time. As always, Chowds, great job. Afterward, Frank addressed a cheering throng of 27 at his palatial campaign headquarters. For those of you despondent, contemplating suicide but […]
Add to the impressive decision list of the smartest political regime since oatmeal, this wonderful piece of news. The Fed has just dumped another $600 billion into that jagged, yawning sinkhole informally known as the U.S. economy. This would seem […]