Requisite formalities assumed, a black man has reached the pinnacle: the presidency of the United States.
Congratulations to that black man, Barack Obama.
Two questions —
- Does it really matter what color he is?
- Will Jackson, Sharpton, et al., lay down their bullhorns, disband their organizations and declare victory?
The answer to both questions: Of course. Not.
We at Applied Cynicism couldn’t care less about skin pigment. Obama would be equally scary if he looked like Jim Carrey. Scarier, actually. We oppose ideology, not biology. The fact that people are so proud that we have elected a black man is evidence that we still don’t have the colorblind society espoused by Martin Luther King, Jr.
And we never will.
Because for the race hustlers, it’s not about race. It’s about Racism™.
Racism is an unfortunate part of the human condition. It will always exist to some degree. Blacks will hate whites, who will kill browns, who will fight reds, who will oppress yellows, who will slaughter blacks. Racism is just another form of blind, partisan hatred, similar (and often integral) to the hatreds engendered by politics and religion.
But Racism™ is a vehicle for wealth. The poverty pimps maintain very comfortable lifestyles convincing people that dreams cannot be realized because The Man® is keeping them down; convincing people that they need an advocate to fight The Power®; convincing people that a new day perpetually lies just beyond the horizon. Inauguration Day should be that great gettin’ up mornin’ since The Man® is now one of ‘them’. Alas, prejudice, bigotry and oppression will still be lurking around every corner. Racism™ will thrive. It is simply too lucrative.
And now, introducing new Enhanced Racism™.
The apologist media have painted Obama’s win as a referendum on unity. In addition to being the Exquisite Saviour of the Universe, he is the Great Uniter. Why? Because they say so. Therefore, a whole new class of bigot has just been created: anyone who will not venerate the initiatives, policies and actions of the Lord Most High. Any disagreement, any opposition whatsoever, will be proclaimed to be not only the type of divisiveness that is destroying the fabric of society, but, more ominously, evidence of naked racism.
One question remains —
What is to be done with all these sudden racists, these impudent worms who dare to question the King?
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